


去る3月20日、学位記授与式とともに、2022年度 英語文化学科?卒業論文最優秀賞「リボリア賞」授与式及び各専修の代表論文の発表を行いました。

 "Examining the Challenge for Women in Punk Music"

   Ran Ito’s graduation thesis, “Examining the Challenges for Women in Punk Music,” demonstrates a deep and detailed analysis of an important phenomenon in recent popular culture. Utilizing essential concepts from Feminist theory, such as anti-patriarchal resistance and subversion of feminine beauty ideals, as well as from Marxist theory, such as a rejection of commodification and ownership of the means of production, this thesis explores the various ways that women in punk music have struggled to create a space for themselves and future generations of women in an historically male-dominated, masculine music genre and industry. The thesis draws on key texts by feminist scholars, like Rosi Braidotti and Eleanor Whitney, to provide a solid theoretical grounding for its discussion of the unique challenges women have faced in breaking into punk music. It is both well-written and logically organized, but its most prominent strength is the depth and thoroughness of the analysis. Inspired by the writing of one of the founders of the Riot Grrrl movement, Kathleen Hannah, Ran identified several characteristics unique to women’s punk attitude, aesthetics, behavior, and music, and analyzed these characteristics from Feminist and Marxist theoretical perspectives. In particular, the examples and analysis of punk women’s clothing and lyrics, and how they represent a uniquely feminist, anti-patriarchal and anti-capitalist position, was notably original and critically insightful. Overall, the essay exhibits the qualities of critical inquiry, creative thinking, and thorough investigation of the topic that are recognized as foundations of quality undergraduate research writing. 

   This thesis focuses on how feminist ideas and ideals are represented in the counter-culture of punk rock, which has the musical characteristic of directly conveying the artist's thoughts through anti-social messages and calls for anti-patriarchal resistance. The purpose of this thesis is to clarify how female punk has fought against misogynistic and exploitative aspects of capitalism, and in particular the commodification of the female body in the music industry. To examine this, three main points are considered: 1) the relationship between women in punk and third wave feminism; 2) examples of feminist resistance found in punk aesthetics and lyrics, and; 3) finally, feminist characteristics of Japanese punk. The first chapter explores third-wave feminism and the Riot Grrrl movement. The Riot Grrrl movement, which advocated women's freedom, is based on activism, and a Do-it-yourself (DIY) attitude in particular is a key word in the Riot Grrrl movement. The DIY attitude is crucial in the Riot Grrrl movement, as this attitude empowers women to express themselves as much as men in the punk scene. The second chapter focuses on the external characteristics and lyrics of punk women. Punk women have distinctive hair and clothing, and their distinctive style expresses the Riot Grrrl's will. In addition, the lyrics of female punk women express their thoughts and feelings directly. Some songs by female punk artists appealed to women's freedom, while others had lyrics that objected to fulfilling their expected duties as women. The third chapter discusses the unique aspects of punk among Japanese artists. Japanese female punk artists subverted patriarchal attitudes and expectations in their own unique way. Ultimately, punk women were not bound by the opinions of those around them, and by doing everything themselves (DIY), they directly communicated what they wanted to express, which encouraged many women to become what they wanted to be. Punk is more than just music, and for women in punk it is a way of life that allows them to freely communicate and behave in ways traditionally considered taboo and unfeminine.

 "Japanese-足彩澳门即时盘_澳门足彩博彩-游戏公司 Comparison of Role Language: Focus on Valley Girl Speak in Clueless"

   本論文は、ある映像作品とその字幕翻訳版を比較し、視聴者の作品に対する理解は翻訳のされ方によってどのように異なるのか¾という等価の問題について論じている。ケーススタディとして取り上げたアメリカ映画 Clueless (邦題『クルーレス』)(1995)の主人公はアメリカ西海岸のビバリーヒルズの高校に通う人気者の女子高生であり、彼女や仲良しの友達は当時その地域でティーンを中心に流行していた Valspeak という英語の社会方言、つまり役割語を話す。彼女は校内でセンスの悪い生徒を「変身」させるのが趣味であり、ニューヨークから来た転校生も変身させられるが、服装などの外見的なものだけでなく、話し方も、多少乱暴ともとれる洗練されていないニューヨークらしい言葉づかい(swear words を含む)から Valspeak へと変化していく。物語を理解する上で、この変身の過程における話し言葉の変化こそが重要な要素となっているのだが、作品の日本語字幕翻訳を分析した結果、Valspeak の日本語訳もニューヨークの言葉づかいの日本語訳もさほど差が見られず、女性らしい言葉づかいに訳されていたと言う。これにより、特定の登場人物に対する印象がオリジナル版と翻訳版の視聴者間で異なり、翻訳において特徴的な言葉づかいをどう扱うかは視聴者が作品を理解する上でいかに重要なのかを説得的に示した。また、論文の最後では、若者を中心に話される流行語は翻訳の扱いが難しい要素であるとしつつも、Valspeak に対応する日本語としてどのような訳出の可能性が考えられるかについて提案しているのも面白い。

    This thesis explores how a viewer’s impressions of a particular character in a movie can differ when watching the original or its translated edition, depending on how the character’s speech is translated. As a case study of this issue, I examined the American movie Clueless (1995) and its Japanese translation Kuruuresu (1995). The main character is a popular high school girl in Beverly Hills, California. One of the interesting features in this movie is the distinctive language that she and her friends speak: a type of social dialect used by California girls called Valley Girl Speak. One day a girl was transferred from New York. Because she was very different from those girls in Beverly Hills in several respects, such as the ways she dresses, the way she speaks with a New York accent, as well as the frequent use of swear words and ungrammatical features in her speech, the main character and her best friend give this transfer student a physical and linguistic makeover to help her better to fit into the high school. The makeover is successful; she both looks like, and speaks like, a Valley Girl.
 After presenting the linguistic features of Valley Girl Speak, I analyze four female characters’ speech, including the main character’s and the transfer girl’s, in relation to their personalities. The results showed that the speech of three out of the four characters (except for the transfer girl) gave almost the same impression in the 足彩澳门即时盘_澳门足彩博彩-游戏公司 original and Japanese version; Valley Girl Speak in 足彩澳门即时盘_澳门足彩博彩-游戏公司 evokes the youthfulness of the speaker, while the Japanese translation creates the same impression through the use of katakana words. For the remaining character though, the transfer girl, the impressions made on viewers are different depending on whether they watched the 足彩澳门即时盘_澳门足彩博彩-游戏公司 or Japanese versions. In the 足彩澳门即时盘_澳门足彩博彩-游戏公司 original, the way she speaks before the makeover sounds rough and gives an impression of illiteracy and lack of sophistication; however, in the Japanese version her language gives the impression of a neat and feminine person due to the excessive use of female language throughout the story. This indicates that, depending on the type of language, some characters could give a different impression to viewers in a translated edition, and the language used to portray characters in translation plays an important role in understanding them and the story as a whole.
 Although it is considered difficult to deal with youth language in translation, I finish my thesis with a suggestion of how Valley Girl Speak should be translated into Japanese.



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原田あかり "A Study of In Our Time: Ernest Hemingway's View of World War I and the Greco-Turkish War"

山田詩織 "A Study of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: The Collapse of the Binary Order Through Passing and the Possibility of Rebirth Through Empathy"

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山田千優 "The Association Between Voiced Obstruents and Fear: An Analysis of the Character Names in Animal Crossing"

山中環 "Japanese Consideration of Others with Special Focus on Topic Introduction"
