


3月19日(火)の学位授与式の終了後、2023年度 英語文化学科?卒業論文最優秀賞「リボリア賞」の表彰式及び各専修の代表論文の発表が行われました。

題目:“Discriminatory Expressions in Advertisements”


This thesis analyzes examples of controversial advertisements and explores what makes them problematic. The advertisements studied in this paper can be divided into three types: sexist, lookist, and racist. The first chapter focuses on advertisements of diapers and energy drinks, which were criticized by some consumers for containing sexist messages. Today, in Japanese society, the work styles, population structure, and the sense of values have become more multifaceted. These social changes influence consumer activities in major ways and also have a significant impact on the content of advertisements. Indeed, recently many advertisements have come under fire because of how they represent gender roles. It can be said that the basis of this criticism is the diversification of people’s values and changes toward gender norms.
The second chapter focuses on controversial advertisements from the perspective of lookism. These days, many advertisements, such as commercials for hair removal, attempt to encourage a perfect look. They transmit the message that hairy men or women are unattractive. As a result, they may contribute to creating inferiority complexes, and thus they have a harmful social impact.
The last chapter focuses on controversial advertisements that contain racist expressions. Most of the examples analyzed are from foreign countries. Those advertisements can be divided into two types: discrimination against Blacks and discrimination against Asians. Many companies such as PRADA, H&M and Dior have made mistakes creating inappropriate advertisements with racist messages which should also be removed.

題目:“Wh-Movement in Japanese Sign Language: A Counter-Example to the Head-Movement Analysis”


This thesis deals with wh-movement in Japanese Sign Language (JSL), attempting to analyze certain exceptions to generalizations formulated by previous research. According to Uchibori & Matsuoka (2016) and Petronio & Lillo-Martin (1997), while in both JSL and American Sign Language (ASL) a single wh-word can appear in sentence-final position, a phrase consisting of more than one wh-word cannot. According to these studies, this is because neither JSL nor ASL allow any phrases in sentence-final position, because of head-movement in the former and base-generation of the head in the latter. 
This thesis argues that there is an exception to this previous research's claim that phrases cannot appear in sentence-final position in JSL, namely the case in which a wh-phrase functions as an adjunct. Presenting data on interrogative sentences and corresponding declarative sentences, I argue that these are true counter-examples involving movement of wh-phrases to sentence-final position in JSL interrogative sentences. I then address the question of whether such sentences with a wh-phrase in sentence-final position are cleft sentences. The sentence-final wh-phrases were analyzed as having an adjunct role, in contrast to their treatment in the previous studies as argument wh-phrases. Given that adjuncts behave in a special way even in languages other than JSL, they may also behave exceptionally in JSL as well. In particular, movement of adjunct wh-word phrases in other languages suggest that there is a relationship between their status as adjuncts and wh-movement. Finally, the conclusions of this study do not necessarily disprove the analysis in the previous studies on argument wh-phrases, but suggest that an additional explanation for wh-adjuncts is necessary.

菅原 好浪 “Feminism and Caryl Churchill's Top Girls in the Context of 1980's England”
鎌田 祐希 “A Study of Philip K. Dick: Eugenics in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
中島 綾伶 “Romantic Friendship in Katherine Mansfield’s “Bliss””

角田かのん “Translating the Untranslatable: A Case Study of Expression Using Furigana in Japanese Manga”
木戸 舞花 “Gender Differences in the Speech Act of Request”
関村 麻央 “Color Impressions in Sound Symbolism”

